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Information and FAQ's

Knowledge is power. Curiosity fuels growth.


If you have a question that isn't answered in the below section, please feel free to use the chat feature and I will be happy to provide more information.


Why should I try Reiki?

People may choose Reiki for a variety of reasons, including:

Stress relief: Reiki can help reduce stress and promote relaxation, which can be beneficial for those dealing with anxiety or other stress-related issues.

Pain management: Reiki can help alleviate pain and promote healing, making it a good option for those dealing with chronic pain or recovering from an injury or surgery.

Emotional healing: Reiki can help release emotional blockages and promote emotional healing, making it a good option for those dealing with depression, grief, or trauma.

Spiritual growth: Reiki can help facilitate spiritual growth and promote a sense of connection to something larger than oneself.

Complementary therapy: Reiki can be used alongside traditional medical treatments as a complementary therapy to help enhance their effectiveness and promote healing.

Ultimately, the reasons for choosing Reiki will vary from person to person, but many people find it to be a gentle, non-invasive way to promote healing and well-being in both body and mind.

What makes Angel Reiki unique?

Angel Reiki is a form of energy healing that combines the principles of traditional Reiki with the spiritual guidance of angels. In Angel Reiki, the practitioner works with a client's energy field to help balance and align it, while also calling on the healing power of angels to assist in the process.


During an Angel Reiki session, the practitioner may work with specific angels or archangels, depending on the client's needs and intentions. The practitioner may also use prayer to help facilitate the flow of energy and connect with the angelic realm.


Angel Reiki is often used to help promote healing and balance in both physical and emotional aspects of a person's life. It is said to be particularly helpful for those dealing with stress, anxiety, or emotional blockages, as well as those seeking to deepen their spiritual connection.


Like traditional Reiki, Angel Reiki is a non-invasive, gentle form of healing that can be done in-person or remotely. It can be used alongside traditional medical treatments as a complementary therapy or on its own as a holistic healing practice.

How do I prepare for a session?

Dress comfortably: Wear comfortable, loose clothing that allows you to move freely and doesn't restrict your breathing.

Avoid heavy meals and caffeine: It's best to avoid heavy meals and caffeine before a Reiki session, as these can interfere with the relaxation process.

Hydrate: Drink plenty of water before and after your session to stay hydrated and help your body flush out any toxins that may be released during the session.

Set your intentions: Take some time to reflect on what you hope to achieve from your Reiki session. Setting an intention can help you focus your energy and get the most out of the experience.

Relax and be open: During the session, try to relax and let go of any expectations or worries. Be open to the energy and allow it to flow through you. Trust the process and let your body guide the experience.

Often you may be able to sense the Practitioners hands moving across your body even if you have your eyes closed and even if they are not touching you directly – this is because you can sense the energy!

What can I expect during a distance session?

The session will take place on Zoom. You do not need to be on video the whole time. Many clients set the phone down and point the camera at the ceiling as they lay back. You will want to have a quiet and comfortable place to sit or lay. It can be helpful to use aromatherapy, candles, or anything that helps you feel comfortable and relaxed. I will work on your energy just as if you were laying in front of me on my table. Energy knows no bounds and is not limited at all by technology or distance.

What can I expect during an in-person session?

I will ask you to lie down on a massage table, fully clothed. I will have small pillows and a warm cozy blanket to help you feel comfortable. As you relax on the table, I will lead us in a guided meditation to help us connect to divine energy. The practice is non-invasive. At certain Chakras I will gently lay or hover my hand over you, for example, your forehead or on your belly button. You may be able to sense my hands hovering even if you have your eyes closed and even if I am not touching you directly – this is because you can sense the energy! My gift is channeling words from your spirit team and your highest self throughout my sessions. I may pray and channel messages throughout your session as I enlist the help of the archangels to magnify my healing abilities. At the end of the session, I will have you slowly open your eyes, and we can check in to see how you are feeling and go over anything that came up during the session. My clients report feelings of connection, clarity, intuitive thoughts, revitalization and overwhelming peace. 


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